How to buy Kp3r token

KP3R token is available on Binance. Though there are many crypto platforms but we recommend using Binance for purchasing / selling KP3R token.

How to buy KP3R token

How to buy KP3R token

  1. Sign up and create your free account on Binance.
  2. Go to the trade exchange and search for KP3R token.
  3. Enter the quantity you wish to purchase along with the expected price.
  4. Proceed to pay using your Visa / MasterCard.
  5. That is it, you will get the KP3r coin in the virtual wallet.

You can also use BTC, Ethereum, USDT and other alt coins to purchase KP3r tokens.

If you have any questions, you can feel free to comment below.

If you face any issues while creating the account on Binance, you can read out this step wise tutorial.
