How to Buy DGD Coin
How to Buy DGD Coin. DGD Coin or Digixdao is gaining even when the market is falling. To buy DGD Coin, people are searching a lot. I get many emails asking How to buy DGD Coin. I will clear your doubts and will provide you a great way to buy DGD Coin. DigixDao is behaving extremely good in the crypto world. Even when the economists are warning against the bubble and are creating FUD, the DGD coin is outperforming with the statistcs.
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How to Buy DGD Coin
The process to buy DGD coin is devided into three steps:
Register Your Account on Binance Exchange
how to buy dgd coin – create account on binance You need to create a account for you on official Binance Website. The account creation is free and the transactions below 2 BTC per day do not require even KYC verification. So, you can start your trade in minutes. Read this stepwise tutorial that will help you to create Binance account.
Deposit BTC in your Wallet
how to buy dgd coin deposit in binance Now when you have your account ready on Binance, you can deposit BTC on the Binance exchange. There are many websites for your country which will let you buy BTC using your Country’s currency. For example, if you reside in India, you will be able to buy BTC using Koinex and then you can deposit the BTC from Koinex to Binance.
The process of depositing funds in Binance is explained in this tutorial.
Exchange DGD Coin for BTC
- To trade DGD Coin you can check the Exchange section on the website.
- After you click exchange (Basic / Advanced), you will see the option to filter out the coin. Search for DGD.
- Now you will get a price chart for the coin and below that you will see the option to Buy / Sell the DGD Coin. Here you can enter the number of DGD coins you have to purchase and you can proceed to buy using your BTC.
Signing Off
I hope you will love the Binance exchange. The lesser transaction fees and availability of majority of coins make the binance exchange a suitable place to create the trading account.
If you have any questions, you can drop below the comments. You can also reach us through our contact page on the website.
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